Naša vizija je osigurati dobrobit i zadovoljstvo naših kupaca. Dajemo sve od sebe da ostanemo u kontaktu s vama i želimo da znate da za nas niste samo broj, iako tvrtka nastavlja brzo rasti. Puno ulažemo u našu zajednicu i ponosni smo na dosadašnji napredak. Uzbuđeni smo što se širimo izvan naših granica i dijelimo našu jedinstvenu priču s još više ljudi diljem svijeta. U SWY vjerujemo da uspjeh, samozadovoljstvo i dobrobit počinju s vama. Pokrećemo našu tvrtku da bude što je više moguće ekološki prihvatljiva. Svoje poslovne partnere tretiramo s poštovanjem, a naše klijente kao obitelj. Uz male korake, nadamo se da zajedno možemo učiniti svijet malo svjetlijim. Hvala vam što ste ovo omogućili. S ljubavlju, SWY

Gdje smo MI počeli

Today, our team counts 25 members and offer more than 360 products in our portfolio. We have moved into a much larger space, which allows us to serve our customers better and continue to grow. Despite the rapid expansion, together with Petra, we remain true to our mission of promoting a balanced lifestyle and continue to inspire and encourage our community of customers.


"A Commitment to Community and Giving Back"
At Swy, we’ve built a close-knit team that shares the same vision: fostering good vibes, staying connected with our community, and giving back in meaningful ways. We believe that we’re stronger together, and that’s why we’ve made community one of our brand’s pillars. You. We want to celebrate every achievement with you, big or small, and foster an environment of support and encouragement. Giving Back is another core value we hold dear. We believe in using our platform to make a difference, whether through partnerships with charitable organizations or initiatives that benefit the environment and society. Swy actively seeks ways to do better, ensuring that our success benefits not only us but also the communities we serve.

SUSTAINABILITY: Work in Progress